The beautiful marriage of Brother Sammy, the famous " My God is" Kumasi based gospel musician appears to have hit a snag. Brother Sammy who got emotional revealing the ordeal on #UnitedShowbiz told host Afia Schwarzenegger on Saturday's show. He revealed how one of his boys who lives with him lied to her wife whiles she was on the hospital bed undergoing CS as a result of ectopic pregnancy. According to brother Sammy, his boy told his wife that, he brother Sammy had affair with another woman while she was on admission at the hospital. Per the gospel musician's revelation, her wife believed the story and never asked him about it until one time he was away for a show when her wife called her to accuse him of several ills including the lie told her by his boy. What even broke the camel's back is when her wife on the phone accused him of having used her womb for money ritual after she left to the states. This accusation alone, has made the gospel musician lost any...
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