H.E President Akuffo Addo has stated categorically that, Ghanaiains are not impoverished. The president in response to a question posed to him by the renounced BBCnewsafrica Peter Okotcwe on the controversial E-Levy tax in an interview, as to why impose tax on already impoverished Ghanaian, flatly rejected the assertion saying "Ghanaians are not impoverished" Also read Economy doing Well- President Akuffo Addo speaks to BBC on the economy and the E-Levy Tax! The president explained that, the telecommunication sector is a huge emerging economy which they sort to leverage on to capture a lot more people into the tax net who hither to do not pay tax. He added, Ghana in the west Africa sub region has a very low tax to GDP of about 13% when it peers are doing 18% on the average. Video Below
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